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4 Reasons to use Heartland as your “business bank”

Many business owners aren’t aware Heartland can help with business banking services. The fact is, we’ve been providing business banking services to our members for almost 30 years. We started with agriculture loans to the farm community in southwest Wisconsin. It’s still our bread and butter but we’ve grown to offer traditional business banking services, too. To that point, we’re one of the few credit unions in Wisconsin to offer Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans to not only our current business members, but other businesses in the communities we serve, too. Here are some other reasons to consider Heartland for your business banking needs:

Ease of service

Call a corporate bank with a simple request, like checking the balance of a savings account. Count the number of irritating phone tree menus you have to sift through before you could talk to a real person who could answer your question. At Heartland, we combine easy-to-use products and services with real, live human beings who can answer questions, make recommendations and help you understand the complicated world of finance.

Local Lending

Loan decisions at Heartland are made locally. And, like other credit unions, we’re owned by our members so “people helping people” is what we do.  Rates tend to be lower than those of corporate banks. We also tend to be more willing to make exceptions for details that may not be reflected in the conventional lending formula.

Finally, remember Heartland was one of the first business lending credit unions in the state. Our team has the experience to handle the challenge of just about any business situation.


This program is designed for Heartland’s business members, employee groups, and their employees. Your employees are the most important part of your business, and a financially savvy employee is a better employee. A partnership with Heartland affords you the opportunity to enhance your benefits package with little or no cost.  Here are some of the benefits only available to employees of our business partners:

  • Debit Card Roundup
  • Fast Cash Loan
  • Access to a “Tools of the Trade” loan for job-related equipment and/or expenses
  • Free credit coaching individually, virtually or in small groups at your business (when safe)
  • Saver’s Sweepstakes
  • eAlerts
  • Mobile Check Deposit
  • Enhanced debit card ‘on/off’ feature
  • Text banking


Heartland has partnered with Zogo bringing a new way to bring financial education to young adults in an engaging and fun way. Zogo teaches financial literacy in a way young adults actually loves — on their phone, gamified and with incentives embedded.

Visit our “Partners” page for more info and to get things rolling!

We are aware of a current text message scam. Please know Heartland will not text you a link to click on. Contact us to verify any questionable texts.