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Welcome, DCCU Member-Owners!

[intro]We’re excited to welcome Dane County Credit Union member-owners to Heartland Credit Union![/intro]

Many factors were considered in this partnership, but the number one decision was whether this will be in the best interest of the membership of each organization. After much discussion and exploration, the Boards of Directors determined that combining our credit unions is beneficial to all members, staff, and the communities we serve.

Joining forces provides both credit unions the opportunities to leverage resources, position for growth, and increase efficiencies. As one larger credit union it is more feasible to meet future demands for advanced technology, expanded product and service offerings, remaining competitive, and ultimately further enhance the lives of our members.

DCCU and HCU have always been friendly competitors and have worked together over the years to help support each other in various facets. The similarities in size and membership demographics make this a true partnership. Our shared visions, philosophy, culture, and strategic goals are closely aligned making this a good fit for both credit unions to increase the ability to continue serving current and future members. Each organization is fully committed to keeping the best interest of the members first and foremost by serving members with the same care, attention, and respect as always.

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Frequently Asked Questions


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Official Press Release


We are aware of a current text message scam. Please know Heartland will not text you a link to click on. Contact us to verify any questionable texts.